Diode is an electronic device made of semiconductor materials (silicon, selenium, germanium, etc.). Diode has two electrodes, the positive electrode, also known as the anode; The negative electrode, also known as the cathode, conducts when a forward voltage is applied between the two poles of the diode, and turns off when a reverse voltage is applied. The conduction and cutoff of a diode are equivalent to the on and off of a switch.
Diodes have unidirectional conductivity, and during conduction, the current direction flows from the anode to the cathode through the tube.
Diodes are one of the earliest semiconductor devices, and their applications are very extensive. Especially in various electronic circuits, reasonable connections between diodes, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and other components can be used to form circuits with different functions, which can achieve various functions such as AC rectification, detection of modulated signals, limiting and clamping, and voltage stabilization of power supply.
Whether it is in common radio circuits, other household appliances or industrial control circuits, the traces of diodes can be found.
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