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WEET WQC-TF308 Tuning Fork Quartz Crystal Why is it The First Choice for Electronic Time Keeping

The tuning fork quartz crystal or clock crystal is one of the oldest quartz crystal designs. Originally used for timekeeping in watches and clocks, tuning forks are now also used in modern electronic products such as computers as real-time clocks (RTCs). Hundreds of millions of these uniquely shaped quartz crystals are produced by global suppliers every year. Tuning fork crystals are available in a variety of sizes to meet design needs, and there is a trend towards smaller surface mount crystal packages every year.

Tuning Fork Quartz Crystal (also known as cylindrical crystal oscillator) refers to a crystal oscillator with a quartz crystal wafer that looks like a tuning fork. It is a quartz crystal resonator that is often used to provide clock frequencies to ensure that electronic devices can work properly. The common frequency of tuning fork crystal oscillators is 32.768KHZ, and the main sizes are ‌DIP:3.0x8.0mm(WQC-TF308), 2.0x6.0mm(WQC-TF206), and are commonly used in remote controls, quartz watches, clocks, computers, home appliance automatic control and industrial automatic control, etc.

As the name suggests, quartz crystals are made of quartz. Traditionally, quartz is a naturally occurring hard mineral, but most quartz today is grown synthetically in autoclaves, which provides a higher standard purity than natural quartz. Quartz is used because it becomes piezoelectric and generates an electrical charge when mechanical pressure and tension are applied. This pressure causes mechanical vibrations that we call frequency.

Quartz needs to be cut at precise angles to initiate specific vibration modes and ensure that the piezoelectric effect works. One of the most common crystal designs is the AT Cut crystal. The frequency of an AT Cut crystal is determined by the thickness of the crystal. For example: the thinner the crystal, the higher the frequency. The vibration quality of the crystal will directly determine whether a parallel or series resonant crystal is required for the crystal oscillator circuit design.

The most common quartz crystal frequency is 32.768kHz. This frequency has become common because when 32.768kHz is divided by 2/15, there is a 1Hz signal. This 1Hz signal will always provide a second. This provides a reliable timekeeping system for the advent of days, dates, and times. The frequency of the classic tuning fork is ultimately a result of simple arithmetic operations and the general conditions of quartz production.


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